Modbus Parameter Specifications

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ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG
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Form 1003
1.3.2 Read input register
Command code: 0x04
The content of several input registers can be read out with this command.
Input registers are parameters for which only read access exists.
Command from master:
4 data bytes are transmitted:
1. input register address MSB
1. input register address LSB
Number of addresses to be read MSB
Number of addresses to be read LSB
The input registers will be described later.
Response from fan:
The following data bytes are transmitted:
Byte count (number of addresses to be read * 2)
Data of 1st holding register MSB
Data of 1st holding register LSB
Data of the following input registers (0..n)
Exception codes:
Just one data byte (exception code) is transmitted in the event of an error
Exception codes:
0x02: The permissible range of the input registers D000 ... D10F has been exceeded
0x03: The maximum telegram length for the response (80 bytes) has been exceeded,
i.e. more than 37 input registers or 0 input registers were requested.