Modbus Parameter Specifications

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ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG
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Form 1003
2.29 Input characteristic curve
Point 1 X-coordinate parameter set 1 address : D12A
Point 1 Y-coordinate parameter set 1 address : D12B
Point 2 X-coordinate parameter set 1 address : D12C
Point 2 Y-coordinate parameter set 1 address : D12D
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These parameters are used to allocate a set value to the input signal at the analog input Ain1.
10 V
P2 Y-value
P1 Y-value
1 V
P1 X-value
P2 X-value
U [V]
Set value
Characteristic curve for motor stop enable = 0
Characteristic curve for motor stop enable = 1
0 V
Points P1 and P2 can be shifted to anywhere in the graph.
a) Analog input 0-10 V
The X-coordinate defines a voltage value between 0 and 10 V.
The Y-coordinate defines the corresponding set value for this point. Depending on the operating mode, it is
a speed (speed control), a sensor quantity (sensor control) or a modulation level (open-loop control).
The coding corresponds to the coding of the set value (holding register D001)
For voltages at the analog input which are lower than the value defined in the X-coordinate of point 1, the set
value is the value defined in the Y-coordinate of point 1.