Modbus Parameter Specifications

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ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG
Bachmühle 2 ·74673 Mulfingen ·Phone: +49 (0) 7938/81-0 ·Fax: +49 (0) 7938/81-110 · ·
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Form 1003
2.36 Fail-safe set value source
Address : D15C
Write authorization : ebm-papst, customer
This parameter specifies the source through which the fail-safe operation set value is specified.
Fail-safe function set value source
Fail-safe function inactive
Fail-safe function set value specification by parameter Fail-safe function
set value (holding register D15D)
Fail-safe function set value specification by analog input Ain1
The MSB has no significance.
Permissible value range: 0..2
The fail-safe function monitors the Set value source (holding register D101) and reacts to a loss of signal.
A break in the Set value source is defined as follows:
Set value source = RS485:
Within the time span specified in the "Time lag fail-safe speed" parameter (holding register D15E), no
command is issued to the fan.
Set value source = analog input Ain1:
The voltage at the analog input Ain1 drops below the value defined in the parameter " Cable break detection
voltage " (holding register D15F).
If a break in a signal wire is detected, the fan automatically switches to the selected Fail-safe set value source.
If the Set value source (holding register D101) and the Fail-safe set value source are identical (e.g. Set value
source = Ain1 and Fail-safe set value source = Ain1), the fail-safe function is inactive.
The fail-safe set value source itself is not additionally monitored for signal failure in fail-safe mode.