Modbus Parameter Specifications

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ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG
Bachmühle 2 ·74673 Mulfingen ·Phone: +49 (0) 7938/81-0 ·Fax: +49 (0) 7938/81-110 · ·
DocNo.: 634505DocNo: 446144DocNo.:358982DocNo.:322523DocNo.:309753DocNo.:303997DocNo.:276241DocNo.:256078DocNo.:196392 ·Template: 2 dated 10/6/2003 ·File: ext001931381.docx ·Last printed 9/30/2019 10:29:00
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Form 1003
2.40 Sensor
Min. sensor value address : D160 / D161
Max. sensor value address : D162 / D163
Sensor unit address : D164 - D169
Write authorization : ebm-papst, customer, end customer
These values define the characteristic curve of the connected sensor as shown in the following graph.
10 V
Max. sensor value
Min. sensor value
0 V
U [V]
Cv [unit]
The specifications required for Min. sensor value and Max. sensor value can be found in the sensor data
a) Minimum sensor value
The minimum sensor value is stored in "IEEE float" format.
b) Maximum sensor value
The maximum sensor value is stored in "IEEE float" format.
c) Sensor unit
The sensor unit is stored in "ASCII" format.