Modbus Parameter Specifications

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ebm-papst Mulfingen GmbH & Co. KG
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Form 1003
3.22 Energy consumption counter
Address : D029 (MSB) / D02A (LSB)
These input registers indicate the energy consumption of the fan since its delivery.
3.23 Heartbeat
Address : D037
In unsigned integer format.
The heartbeat signal provides a means of checking whether the electronics is functional. The content of the
input register is a counter that is incremented every second. The counter variable has no upper limit; when the
16-bit number overflows, the counter starts over at 0. When the fan restarts, the counter variable begins at 0.
3.24 Mirrored input registers
Address : D100 - D10F
Coding : see Original registers
The content of the input registers defined in the holding registers D400 - D40F is mirrored here.