DVkatalog uk 09 2015 V9 i

DVQ-S and -H
Danvent DV • Plate Heat Exchanger DVQ |
Version S and H Version C
Air direction variants
Extract air, diagonal down-flow
DVQ-S, -H and -C
Extract airOutdoor air
Exhaust airOutdoor air
Supply airExhaust air
Supply airExtract air
DVQ-S and -H
Air direction variants
Extract air, diagonal up-flow *
DVQ-S and -H
Supply airExhaust air
Supply airExtract air
Extract airOutdoor air
Exhaust airOutdoor air
* Air directions with up-flow extract air (3 and 4) should only be used when the moisture
content of the extract air, before the heat exchanger, is less than the following values:
Supply air before heat exchanger °C 0 -10 -20 -30
Extract air before heat exchanger max. g moisture/kg air 10 8 6 4