Connect Setup uk 06 2017 V3

Systemair Connect set-up
Building the structure
It is important to get the right structure if you want several
persons to share the responsibility for buildings or parts of
buildings. Here to the right is an example of a simple structure:
Symbolises a ”Device” – the air handling unit
itself with the controller built in.
Symbolises an ”Area” – an area that is used to
subdivide the structure to ease access.
Building the substructure
In order to build the substructure your user must be set
up with user level SysAdmin. The user that Systemair has
set up by delivery has user level SysAdmin.
Two tools are available for building the substructure on
your Account:
Area: Used to divide the installation in several small
areas. It is possible to restrict user access to the
installation using the Area. For example, Area
can be used if you want to split the installation
in 2 areas where you have separate persons
responsible for each area.
Device: This function is used when you link a unit
controller to Systemair Connect.