Connect Setup uk 06 2017 V3

Systemair Connect set-up
Create Area
1. Click on “Action” next to your Account and select
”+ New Area”.
2. Under ”DK-8700-Test Street-105” two Areas are
created: Building_South1 and Building_South2. You
only need to fill in “Name” in order to create an Area. It
is a good idea to use ”Description” and ”Comment” to
make it easier to understand for other users of the
system. Finish by clicking ”Create Area”.
3. Now the structure looks like this:
It is possible to create several Areas under each Area. It
provides the opportunity to build a structure in many
levels, which provides an easy, transparent structure. The
structure can be used to provide users access to the right
level, and thus only the areas they are responsible for. An
example can be found in the next section.