Ecodesign QuickGuide uk

Ecodesign in SystemairCAD
Bidirectional ventilation unit (Heat recovery units)
Bidirectional ventilation unit
(Heat recovery units)
Unit type (non-residential –
A distinction is made between ‘A
residential ventilation unit’ that
covers air handling units with air
volumes between 250 and 1000
/h. and ‘A non-residential ventila-
tion unit’, which covers air handling
units with air volumes higher than
1000 m
/h. In SystemairCAD, all air
handling units are categorised as
‘Non-residential ventilation units’.
A bidirectional air handling unit
means a unit which produces an air-
flow between indoors and outdoors
and is equipped with both exhaust
and supply fans.
Fan with multispeed
or var. speed drive
All fans must be equipped with
speed control. All EC motors are
approved automatically, because
they have a frequency regulation.
PM/AC motors can be delivered with
The selection software SystemairCAD is updated with an automatic Ecodesign calculation that will tell you whether the
requirements for both 2016 and 2018 are fulfilled. All calculation details are summarised in the technical documentation.
30-03-2017 Air handling unit design | SystemairCAD 2.0 Version C2017-04.00.00-beta07 | Geniox Comfort 12DR
| Project:
| 2/2
2016 Value Limit 2018 Value Limit
Unit type (Non Residential - Bidirectional) Approved Approved
Fan with multispeed or Var.Speed Drive Approved Approved
Heat recovery Approved Approved
Thermal efficiency of Heat Recov. System Approved 80.8 67.0 Approved 80.8 73.0
Pressure gauge (exclusively for 2018) Approved Approved
SFPint in W/(m³/s) Approved 904 1414 Approved 904 1134
Total check Approved Approved
Supply Extract
Manufacturer Systemair
Model Geniox Comfort 12DR
Typology NRVU;BVU
Drive Type VSD VSD Installed
Type of Heat Recovery System (HRS) Rotary heat exchanger
Thermal efficiency of HRS (dry condition) 80.8 %
Non Residential unit - flow rate 1.33 1.33 m³/s
Effective electric power input incl. clean filters and variable drive 1.36 1.30 kW
SFPint in W/(m³/s) 2016 904 469 436 W/(m³/s)
SFPint in W/(m³/s) 2018 904 469 436 W/(m³/s)
Face velocity 2.03 2.03 m/s
Nominal external pressure 300.00 300.00 Pa
Internal pressure drop of ventilation components 268.84 245.93 Pa
Overall static pressure drop with clean filter 585.26 549.21 Pa
Overall static efficiency of fans with clean filter 57.30 56.45 %
Maximum external leakage rate Leakage class L2 according to EN 1886. Leakage rate is less than 1%.
Maximum internal leakage rate Leakage rate is less than 3%.
Energy class for filters B D
Visual filter warning description Control display
Internet address with information about disassembly
Sound power level
Supply air
82 dB(A)
Outdoor air
67 dB(A)
Exhaust air
84 dB(A)
Extract air
67 dB(A)
Sound break out
79 dB(A)
Ecodesign is calculated for a reference configuration with F7 filter in supply and M5 filter in extract.
Printout from SystemairCAD with extra mandatory technical documentation in accordance with Ecodesign.
a frequency converter. The air hand-
ling unit can also be ordered without
any frequency converter and still be
legal to use, but a ‘Warning’ will
appear in the printout. In this case, it
will be the contractors responsibility
to ensure that the unit fulfils all
Ecodesign requirements.
Heat recovery
All units must have heat recovery e.g.
rotary heat exchanger, counterflow
exchanger, cross-flow exchanger, or
run-around coil exchangers.
Thermal efficiency of heat
recovery system (HRS)
The actual value and the limit value is
visible from the printout. The limit
value is as follows (dry condition):
Rotary heat exchanger, counterflow
exchanger, and cross-flow exchanger:
2016: 67%
2018: 73%
Run-around coil exchangers:
2016: 63%
2018: 68%.
Italic = Wording from Ecodesign Directive 1253/2014.
Ecodesign in SystemairCAD