Quick configuration guide Access SW 4.0 1 04 to 4.1 1.00 157618 A004

Table Of Contents
| Quick configuration guides
5.3.3 Operation settings
Adjust the fan pressure set points in the Data & Settings > Fan Control > Fan setpoints menu.
Data & Settings > Fan control > Fan setpoints
11 Dec 10:33
Setpoint low speed supply air fan 100 Pa
Setpoint low speed extract air fan
100 Pa
Setpoint normal speed supply air fan 200 Pa
Setpoint normal speed extract air fan
200 Pa
Setpoint high speed supply air fan 200 Pa
Setpoint high speed extract air fan
200 Pa
Step by step:
Select Data & Settings from the navigation icons
2. Select Fan control
3. Select Fan setpoints
4. Select and adjust setpoints for the available fan speed levels.
5.4 Temperature control type (Room)
5.4.1 Activation
Activate room temperature control.
Select Cascade room temp control as temperature control type in the Configuration > Functions > Func-
tion activation menu.
Configuration > Functions > Function activation
11 Dec 10:33
Temperature control type
Room cascade
Step by step:
Select Configuration from the navigation icons
2. Select Functions
3. Select Function activation
4. Select Room cascade as Temperature control type.
157618 | A004