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Geniox-DV Control system 04.04
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Set-up Danfoss FC101 for Geniox-units with AC motors
M odbus
T herm istor:
Wire jum per:
T erm inal 61(N) - 68(B) - 69(A)
T erm inal 50-53
T erm inal 12-19 (no fire)
Systemair factory set-up is based on Danfoss initialisation.
14-22: Operation m ode: [2] Initialisation (Danfoss Initialisation)
Systemair factory set-up:
0-01: Language selection:
1-03: T orque characteristic:
1-20: M otor Power:
1-24: M otor Current:
1-25: M otor Nom inal Speed:
1-42: M otor Cable Length:
1-50: M otor M agnetisation at zero speed.:
1-52: M in. Speed Norm al M agnetisation:
1-73: Flying Start:
1-90: M otor T herm al Protection:
1-93: T herm istor Source:
3-03: M axim um Reference:
3-15: Reference Resource 1:
3-16 + 3-17: Reference 2- and 3 Source:
3-41: Ram p 1 up and down:
3-42: Ram p 1 Down tim e:
4-14: M otor Speed High Lim it:
4-19: M ax. Output Frequency:
5-10: T erm inal 18 Digital Input
5-11: T erm inal 19 Digital Input
5-12: T erm inal 27 Digital input:
5-40.0: Function Relay:
5-40.1: Function Relay:
6-25: T erm inal 54 High Reference:
8-01: Control Site
8-02: Control Source
8-03: Control T im eout T im e
8-04: Control T im eout Function
8-30: Protocol
8-31: Address:
8-32: FC Port Baud Rate
8-33: FC Port Parity
14-20: Reset M ode:
24-00: Fire m ode function
24-05: Fire m ode Preset Reference
24-09: Fire m ode Alarm Handling
0-50: LCP Copy:
Single fan: [3] Auto-Energy optim .
With twin fan set-up: [1] Variable T orque
According to m otor plate / order papers
With twin fan set-up total power m ust be used
According to m otor plate / order papers
With twin fan set-up total current m ust be used
According to m otor plate / order papers
0 %
10 Hz
[1] Enabled
[2] T herm istor trip
[1] Analog input AI53
M ax. Hz from order papers
[11] Local bus reference
[0] No function
60 Sec.
30 Sec.
[0] No operation
[37] Fire m ode
[0] No operation
[3] Drive ready/rem ote
[3] Drive ready/rem ote
M ax. Hz from order papers
[0] Digital and ctrl.word
[1] FC Port
20 sec.
[2] Stop
[2] M odbus RT U
1-Supply #1. 3-Supply #2.
2-Extract #1. 4-Extract #2.
[2] 9600 Baud
[2] No Parity, 1 stop Bit
[2] Autom atic reset x 2
[1] Enabled run forward
[1] T rip, Critical Alarm s
[1] All to LCP (Copy of settings to panel)
To store Systemair factory settings from the control panel:
0-50: LCP Copy: [2] All from LCP
Set-up Danfoss FC101 for Geniox-units with PM motors
Systemair factory set-up is based on Danfoss initialisation.
14-22: Operation m ode: [2] Initialisation (Danfoss Initialisation)
Systemair factory set-up:
0-01: Language selection:
1-06: Clockwise Direction:
1-10: M otor Construction:
1-24: M otor Current:
1-25: M otor Nom inal Speed:
1-26: M otor Cont. Rated torque:
1-30: Stator Resistance (Rs):
1-37: d-axis inductance (Ld):
1-39: M otor Poles:
1-40: Back EM F at 1000 RPM :
1-42: M otor Cable Length:
1-73: Flying start
1-90: M otor T herm al Protection:
1-93: T herm istor Source:
2-01: DC brake Current:
2-02: DC braking T im e:
2-07: Parking tim e:
3-03: M axim um Reference:
3-15: Reference Resource 1:
3-16 + 3-17: Reference 2- and 3 Source:
3-41: Ram p 1 Up T im e:
3-42: Ram p 1 Down T im e:
4-14: M otor Speed High Lim it:
4-19: M ax. Output Frequency:
5-10: T erm inal 18 Digital Input
5-11: T erm inal 19 Digital Input
5-12: T erm inal 27 Digital input:
5-40.0: Function Relay:
5-40.1: Function Relay:
6-25: T erm inal 54 High Reference:
8-01: Control Site
8-02: Control Source
8-03: Control T im eout T im e
8-04: Control T im eout Function
8-30: Protocol
8-31: Address:
8-32: FC Port Baud Rate
8-33: FC Port Parity
14-20: Reset M ode:
24-00: Fire m ode function
24-05: Fire m ode Preset Reference
24-09: Fire m ode Alarm Handling
0-50: LCP Copy:
[1] Inverse
[1] PM , non salient SPM
According to m otor plate / Schedule
According to m otor plate / Schedule
According to m otor plate / Schedule
According to m otor plate / Schedule
According to m otor plate / Schedule
According to m otor plate / Schedule
According to m otor plate / Schedule
[1] Enabled
[2] T herm istor trip
[1] Analog input AI53
100 %
20.0 Sec.
10.0 Sec.
According to m otor plate / Schedule
[11] Local bus reference
[0] No function
According to PM Schedule
According to PM Schedule
According to m otor plate / Schedule
According to m otor plate / Schedule
[0] No operation
[37] Fire m ode
[0] No operation
[3] Drive ready/rem ote
[3] Drive ready/rem ote
According to m otor plate / Schedule
[0] Digital and ctrl.word
[1] FC Port
20 sec.
[2] Stop
[2] M odbus RT U
1-Supply #1. 3-Supply #2.
2-Extract #1. 4-Extract #2.
[2] 9600 Baud
[2] No Parity, 1 stop Bit
[2] Autom atic reset x 2
[1] Enabled run forward
[1] T rip, Critical Alarm s
[1] All to LCP (Copy of settings to panel)
To store Systemair factory settings from the control panel:
0-50: LCP Copy: [2] All from LCP
M odbus
T herm istor:
Wire jum per:
T erm inal 61(N) - 68(B) - 69(A)
T erm inal 50-53
T erm inal 12-19 (no fire)