3060386 Geniox OIPM

Geniox Air Handling Unit - User Manual | 3060386
G.1.4 Pre-assembly storage
The AHU must be protected from the weather and accidental impact. Plastic packaging must be removed and the unit covered with
G.2 Installation - mechanical
G.2.1 Service area in front of the unit
The unit should be installed in such a way that, there is enough clearance for routine maintenance and inspection
inspection and cleaning, Variable Frequency Drive setting, etc. If the unit has opposite end coil connections, adequate
service clearance equal to unit width is also required on the back side of the unit, in order to ensure easy removal of the
G.2.2 Supporting surface
Duct work must be sound insulated and must not be mounted directly on beams, trusses or other critical building parts.
The surface beneath the unit must be level, horizontal and vibration-free. The surface must be able to withstand the load
of the AHU. Weights of the sections are written in Annex 2.
12 | Instruction for unloading on the site as well as installation and connection
Unit Width
Geniox Model Width in (mm)
Geniox 10 66.22 (1682)
Geniox 12 74.09 (1882)
Geniox 15 81.96 (2082)
Geniox 20 89.84 (2282)
Geniox 25 97.71 (2482)
Geniox 30 109.52 (2782)
Geniox 35 117.40 (2982)
Geniox 40 125.27 (3182)