3060386 Geniox OIPM

Geniox Air Handling Unit - User Manual | 3060386
Once a year the edges of the heat exchanger plates are to be checked for cleanliness and damage.
the closed position, must be visually checked once a year. The damper motor is to be adjusted if the damper does not close tightly.
M.5.3 Energy recovery wheel
The energy wheel is to be checked at least once a year to ensure that it can turn freely and easily. This can be done by removing the
belt drive at the motor and then turning the rotor manually with a hand on the peripheral wheel casing. At the same time the leather
seals are to be checked for damage. The bearings are factory lubricated and do not require any service lubrication. During operation the
wheel can become dirty. The wheel can be cleaned by blowing through with compressed air.
M.5.4 Cross ow exchanger
If there is dust on the edges of the plates, remove it with a soft brush. If grease or other such substances are present, then the edges
must be washed using grease dissolving detergents.
M.5.5 By-pass damper
steel rods and brass bushes do not require lubrication. Air-tightness of the dampers, when the damper motor is in the closed position,
must be visually checked once a year. The damper motor is to be adjusted if the damper does not close tightly.
M.5.6 Condensate water drain
At least once a year the drip tray beneath the heat exchanger, as well as the drain and the water trap must be cleaned. Take care
Demount this type of water trap for careful cleaning.
M.5.7 Heating coil
After an extended running period (normally a few years) dust particles can accumulate on the surface of the coil. This can reduce the
Check that the frost protection system is fully operational. A coil may burst due to frost if the frost protection system is not operational.
M.5.8 Cooling coil
M.5.9 Electric heater
Check that the built-in safety thermostat with an automatic reset function and the overheat thermostat with manual resetting are fully
42 | Adjustment and maintenance operations