Geniox Air handling unit | 13
Geniox makes it click
Click! Selection is made easy using SystemairClick design
Click! You can assemble the Geniox air handling units on site,
simply by clicking the modules together. This construction will
reduce the installation time as well as make the unit easier
to handle. You will also nd that it is quicker and easier to
service Geniox.
Click! Geniox stands out in the world of air handling units. The
unique casing design is not just aesthetically pleasing, it has
been designed using a thermally insulated panel con struction
with very low leakage values, which eliminates ther mal
Click! The electricity meter will not be running at top speed
with Geniox. Geniox follows the European Ecodesign
guidlines, the most stringent energy directive in the world.
You can trust that what we promise is what we deliver.