eCAN_White_Paper_Eng_DM v1.0.1

White Paper
<CAN and UART Connection>
CAN Communication Technology
Message Directional
ID is assigned to CAN according to the priority of the message and used to communicated. This causes each node
to self-judge the message delivered to each node and ignore the message which is except it needs.
Enhanced Error Mechanism
Several mechanisms have applied to CAN to improve communication reliability. If communication state detection,
error check and management were carried out in conventional SW method, CAN can detect and handle errors
occurring during communication due to the error detection mechanism built in HW in real time.
CAN communication is conducted based on priority of each note and message without a network administrator which
manages the network. If arbitrary node A message is assigned with the highest priority ID, the rest of the nodes
communicate according to the priority of each ID after the A message is sent.
CAN, developed for vehicle network, are widely applied and utilized in all sectors of the industry other than vehicles
due to the advantages of their communication methods.