sLAN_all-PoE_UserManual_Eng_DM v1.0.1

sLAN/all-PoE User Manual
Operation Setting
You can set the operating mode and network socket options in the Operation Settings page. Once you have changed the
settings, you must press the [Submit] button to save the changed value and restart it through the [Reboot] menu to apply
them to actual equipment operation. If you exist without saving the changes, the changed value will be lost.
If you have not saved the modified value by the [Submit] button, you can return to the value before changing with the [Cancel]
The main features of Setup Menu are as follows:
Menu Default Description
Set the operation protocol to use on the serial port
COM Redirector
Enables the serial port of sLAN/all PoE to be used as a virtual COM port on a PC
in Windows 7 or above OS environment. When this mode is selected, all settings
in the serial follow the virtual COM Port settings.
TCP Server
sLAN/all PoE acts as a socket server and waits for connection from Client on the
network. The socket number waiting for a connection is set at [Local Port]. When
the socket connection is complete, sends the data that occurs between the socket
and the serial port.
TCP Client
When a particular server on the network waits for a connection, sLAN/all PoE
acts as a socket Client and attempts to connect to the IP address and socket
number of the set server. When socket connection is complete, sends the data
that occurs between the socket and the serial port. Set the IP and port number of
the server which you want to request access at [Target IP/Port].
UDP Server
sLAN/all PoE acts as a UDP server and waits for UDP connection from Client on
the network. Set the socket number that waits for a connection at [Local Port].