sLAN_all-PoE White_Paper_Eng_DM v1.0.1

sLAN/all-PoE White Paper
sLAN/all-PoE Applications
sLAN/all PoE can be applied in various fields. There are many applicable areas as follows:
connection of POS related devices, monitoring/control of various production facilities, building automation,
operation status monitoring/control/data collection of general equipment, remote control of equipment over the
Internet, management of roads/railways/airports and harbors.
Serial Communication Tunneling
Configure sLAN/all PoE 2pcs are a Server-Client Pair to solve the serial communication distance limits and high
cost maintenances. Also, the Internet section can use various media such as wired, wireless sections and PPP
Serial to Ethernet Convertor
Serial devices connected to sLAN/all are able to be used on PCs as PC and sLAN/all are connected over the
network. At this time, with COM Redirector provided, users can use the program developed for COM ports.