Installation Manual

Systemline E50 is an installed Bluetooth Hi-Fi system that is easy to fit into your room.
It is particularly suited to kitchens or bedrooms but could equally be used in any other
room in the house including bathrooms
The following instructions assume that you are competent in general electrical
installation skills. You will need to mount a touch panel into a double gang back box
and route cables from this box to the speakers and mains. If you are not confident in
doing this you should seek professional assistance from a qualified electrician.
It is possible to connect TV sound or another device into the rear line input. This is
shown on the system schematic.
The E50w (white) touch panel is IP54 rated when installed and sealed in accordance with the E50w
bathroom installation guide (Appendix 1). The touch panel must be located outside zone 2 of the electrical
safety zones. If in doubt, you are advised to seek assistance from a qualified electrician.