User's Manual

CAREU P2 Personal Tracker User Guide
Chapter 6. Declaration
As the CAREU P2 Personal Tracker works based on GPS (Global Positioning System) and GSM
(Global System for Mobile Communication), it has to work with normal GSM and GPS conditions.
Performance of the CAREU P2 is liable to the following:
Weak GPS satellite signals: The positioning quality will be affected.
Weak GSM signals: The report quality of CAREU P2 will be affected.
Notification of GPS
GPS (Global Positioning System) is based on the 24 satellites launched by the Defense
Department of the United States to measure and compute vehicle positions. Systems and Tech-
nology Corporation, the developer and producer of CAREU P2, therefore does not guarantee
CAREU P2will work normally under the poor surroundings due to the following causes:
Locations with weak GPS signals
The Defense Department of the United States temporarily closes or disturbs the GPS.
Some tinted window films can hinder CAREU P2 from receiving GPS signal. Please consult
your tinted window film vendors for details.
Notification of GSM
GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication) is the key factor if the system can immediately
notify the message receiver through short messages. Systems & Technology Corp. therefore
does not guarantee CAREU P2 will work normally under the poor surroundings due to the
following causes:
Place with weak GSM signals
Message losing or detention caused by telecommunication service providers.
Malfunction of telecommunication systems
Invalid SIM cards
BV Certificate Use
2017/02/06 17:09