User manual

Trouble shooting
Many problems have a simple cause and a
correspondingly simple solution. The following section
describes a few difficulties you may encounter, and the
measures you need to take to cure them. If you find it
impossible to solve a problem with the help of these
notes please disconnect the unit from the mains and ask
your authorised specialist dealer for advice.
Notes on the remote control system
Changing the remote control address:
Nowadays virtually all modern Hi-Fi and video equipment
can be controlled using an infra-red remote control
system. Unfortunately only a limited number of infra-red
codes are available, and they are used by a vast range of
The result of this situation is that mutual interference may
occur if equipment made by different manufacturers is
used together in the same household, as the machines
may operate using the same remote control code. A
typical problem might be that your Hi-Fi system responds
to the remote control handset supplied with your
television or video recorder.
If you encounter this problem, your B valve amplifier
can be changed to a different remote control level using
special software. Please contact your specialist B
dealer for advice on this matter.
If you have this change carried out, the remote control
level of the F10 handset will also have to be changed to
match the level of the Hi-Fi unit.
To change the remote control level hold the
button and the numeric button ó
ó pressed in
simultaneously. After about 10 seconds the LED will
flash. While the LED is flashing press the numeric button
ñ to set the normal remote control level or ò
for the alternative level. The LED will now go out to
confirm that the switch has taken place.
Problem: Machine does not switch on.
Cause 1: Mains lead not plugged in correctly.
Remedy: Check connection, push connector in
Cause 2: Mains switch on the back panel (in the
mains socket) not switched on.
Remedy: Switch the mains switch on.
Cause 3: Mains fuse burned out.
Remedy: Have the mains fuse in the mains input
socket replaced by an authorised
specialist workshop. The rating of the
replacement fuse must agree with the
specification printed on the unit.
Problem: The unit does not respond to
Cause: Static discharge or powerful interference
(e. g. lightning) have corrupted the
processor memory.
Remedy: Disconnect mains plug, wait about
1 minute and re-connect. Switch unit on
Problem: Machine responds correctly to manual
operation of the buttons, but does not
respond to remote control commands.
Cause 1: Incorrectly inserted batteries or flat
batteries in the remote control handset.
Remedy: Re-install batteries correctly or fit new
Cause 2: Remote control address set incorrectly.
Remedy: Set the correct remote control address;
see 'Notes on remote control'.
Cause 3: Inefficient receiver position.
Remedy: Make sure that there is direct visual
contact between the remote control
receiver (on the screen of the P10) and
the remote control transmitter (handset).
Note that glass doors can cause
problems, and should be avoided.
Maximum range between transmitter and
receiver approx. 8 metres.
Position the P10 in such a way that it is
not subjected to direct sunlight or strong
artificial lighting. Fluorescent and energy-
saving lamps are powerful sources of