Technical Manual

Table Of Contents
Table 17 Transm itter Troubleshooting Chart
Sy m p t o m Po ssi b l e Ca u se
Co rre c t i o n o r Te st
(Me asu re m en t s Ta k e n a t Ro o m
Tem p er a t u re )
No RF Power Out 1. TX Power Level or Frequen cy Ch eck TX power level an d frequen cy
program m in g (from RSS).
2. No PTT From Con trol Top Sen d radio to depot.
3. No In jection To Power Am plier
No Modulation ;
Distorted Modulation
1. Program m in g Ch eck deviation an d com pen sation
settin gs usin g th e RSS.
2. Con troller Board Sen d radio to depot.
Bad Microph on e Sen sitivity 1. Ch eck Deviation an d Com pen sation Realign if n ecessary.
2. Microph on e Sen d radio to depot.
No/Low Sign allin g
1. Program m in g Ch eck Program m in g
2. Con troller Board Sen d radio to depot.
Can t Set Com pen sation RF Board Sen d radio to depot.
Table 18 Encryption Troubleshooting Chart
Sy m p t o m Po ssi b l e Ca u se Co rre c t i v e Ac t i o n
on Radio Display Wh en Keyloadin g
Cable is Attach ed to th e Radio Side Con n ector
1. Defective Keyload Cable Sen d radio to depot.
2. Defective Radio
Keyloader Displays
. 1. Wron g Keyloader Make Sure th e Keyloader
is a T----CX or
T----DX Keyloader.
2. Bad Keyloader Try An oth er Keyloader
3. Defective Radio Sen d radio to depot.
Note: Keyloaders T----AX” and T----BX” must be upgraded to T----CX” and T----DX” in order to
keyload an XTS 3000 radio.