User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Descript ion
Th e ASTRO Digital XTS 3000 radios are am on g th e m ost soph isticated two-
way radios available. Th e radio is presen tly available in th e 800MHz ban d;
radios in th e UHF an d VHF ban ds will be available by th e en d of 1996.
On e of th e n ewest in a lon g lin e of quality Motorola products, th e ASTRO
Digital XTS 3000 radio provides im proved voice quality across m ore coverage
area. Th e digital process calledem bedded sign allin g in term ixes system
sign allin g in form ation with digital voice, resultin g in im proved system
reliability an d th e capability of supportin g a m ultitude of advan ced features.
Such features add up to better, m ore cost-effective two-way radio
com m un ication s.
ASTRO Digital XTS 3000 radios are available in two basic m odels. Table 1
provides a description of th eir basic features.
FLASHport Th e ASTRO Digital XTS 3000 radio utilizes Motorolas revolution ary
FLASHport tech n ology. FLASHport m akes it possible to add software th at
drives th e radios capabilities both at th e tim e of purch ase an d later on .
Previously, ch an gin g a radios features an d capabilities m ean t sign ican t
m odication s, or buyin g a n ew radio. But n ow, sim ilar to h ow a com puter can
be loaded with differen t software, th e radios features an d capabilities can be
upgraded with FLASHport software.
Table 1 ASTRO X TS 3000 Basic Features
Feature Basic Mo del Full-Featured Model
Display Non e LCD
4 lin es/
12 ch aracters per lin e
Keypad Non e 3 x 6 button
Ch an n el Capability 48 255
Dialin g from Prestored List No Yes
Program m able Softkeys No Yes