User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Recommended Test
Equipment and 3
Service Aids
Th e list of equipm en t con tain ed in Table 2 in cludes all of th e stan dard test
equipm en t required for servicin g two-way portable radios, as well as several
un ique item s design ed specically for servicin g th is fam ily of radios. Th e
Ch aracteristics colum n is in cluded so th at equivalen t equipm en t m ay be
substituted; h owever, wh en n o in form ation is provided in th is colum n , th e
specic Motorola m odel listed is eith er a un ique item or n o substitution is
recom m en ded.
Service Aids Refer to Table 3, Service Aids, for a listin g an d description of th e service aids
design ed specically for servicin g th is fam ily of radios. Th ese kits an d/or parts
are available from th e Motorola Parts Division offices listed in th e
Replacem en t Parts Orderin g section located on th e in side back cover of th is
m an ual. Wh ile all of th ese item s are available from Motorola, m ost are
stan dard sh op equipm en t item s, an d an y equivalen t item capable of th e sam e
perform an ce m ay be substituted for th e item listed.
Table 2 Recom m ended Test Equipm ent
Mo to rola
Mo del Num ber
Descriptio n Ch aracteristics Applicatio n
R2670 or R2600 System An alyzer Th is m on itor will substitute
for item s with an asterisk (*).
Frequen cy/deviation m eter an d
sign al gen erator for wide-ran ge
troublesh ootin g an d align m en t.
R1049A* Digital Multim eter Recom m en ded for ac/dc voltage
an d curren t m easurem en ts
R1150C* Code Syn th esizer In jection of audio an d digital
sign allin g codes
AC Voltm eter
Power Cable for Meter
Test Leads for Meter
1m V to 300V, 10-Megoh m
in put im pedan ce
Audio voltage m easurem en ts
R1094A Dual-Trace Oscillo-
20MHz ban dwidth 5m V to
Waveform m easurem en ts
ST1213B (VHF)*
ST1223B (UHF)*
Wattm eter
Plug-In Elem en t
RF Dum m y Load
50-oh m , ±5% accuracy
10 watts, m axim um
0-1000MHz, 300W
Tran sm itter power output
m easurem en ts
R1065 Load Resistor 10-watt Broadban d For use with wattm eter
S1339A RF Millivolt Meter 100µV to 3V RF RF-level m easurem en ts
R1013A* SINAD Meter Receiver sen sitivity m easurem en ts
S1347D or S1348D
(p rogram m able)
DC Power Supply 0-20Vdc, 0-5 Am ps
curren t lim ited
Ben ch supply for 7.5Vdc