User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Troubleshoot ing 8
Int roduct ion
t o This Sect ion
Th is section of th e m an ual con tain s troublesh ootin g ch arts an d error codes
th at will h elp you to isolate a problem . Level on e troublesh ootin g will support
on ly radio align m en t, program m in g, battery replacem en t, an d kn ob
replacem en t. If th e radio n eeds furth er troublesh ootin g, it m ust be sen t to th e
Board- an d com pon en t-level an d service in form ation can be foun d in th e
ASTRO Digital XTS 3000 Portable Radios Detailed Service Man ual, Motorola
publication n um ber 68P81083C90.
Error Codes
Wh en th e radio is turn ed on (power-up), th e radio perform s cursory tests to
determ in e if its basic electron ics an d software are in workin g order. Problem s
detected durin g th ese tests are presen ted as error codes on th e radios display.
Th e presen ce of an error sh ould prom pt th e user th at a problem exists an d th at
a service tech n ician sh ould be con tacted.
Self-test errors are classied as eith er fatal or n on -fatal. Fatal errors will in h ibit
user operation ; n on -fatal errors will n ot. Use Table 14 to aid in un derstan din g
particular power-up error code displays.
Table 14 Power-Up Error Code Displays
Er ro r
Co d e
D e sc r i p t i o n Co rre c t i v e Ac t i o n
01/02 Extern al EEPROM Ch ecksum Non -Fatal Error Reprogram codeplug.
01/81 ROM Ch ecksum Failure Sen d radio to depot.
01/82 Extern al EEPROM Ch ecksum Failure Reprogram th e codeplug.
01/84 SLIC In itialization Failure Turn th e radio off, th en on .
01/88 RAM Failure - Note: n ot a ch ecksum failure Turn th e radio off, th en on .
01/90 Gen eral Hardware Failure Turn th e radio off, th en on .
01/92 In tern al EEPROM Ch ecksum Failure Reprogram th e codeplug.
02/10 DSP support IC ch ecksum Non -Fatal Error Turn th e radio off, th en on .
02/81 DSP ROM Ch ecksum Failure Sen d radio to depot.
02/88 DSP RAM Failure - Note: n ot a ch ecksum failure Turn th e radio off, th en on .
02/90 Gen eral DSP Hardware Failure (DSP startup m essage n ot received correctly) Turn th e radio off, th en on .
02/A0 ADSIC Ch ecksum Failure - Non -Fatal Error Turn th e radio off, th en on .
09/10 Secure Hardware Failure Sen d radio to depot.
09/90 Secure Hardware Failure Sen d radio to depot.
Note: If the corrective action does not fix the failure, send the radio to the depot.