User Manual

Fast Tagging Station Demo Software
7.2.2 Converting operation
This operation involves RFID manipulations. In order to carry on fast and efficient operation,
all data to be programmed into the tag must be set in the database and available by entering
the barcode, a code or the title. A communication with the reader is opened at the beginning
of the process and closed at the end.
As many tags as use can be processed as long as the communication is opened.
First, position the tag on the antenna.
Second, write the information into the tag.
Third, check that the writing operation has been successful. To do so, read the tag.
Fourth, check all the fields.
Reiterate the operation with another tag and other data.
Figure 6: Converting Operation FlowChart
Write into Tag
get object item from the class
LIBTSMAPXLib.LibTSMapItem filled during
the cataloging operation
Lock Permanent Data
Activate EAS
Read tag
With permanent data
Locking mask
Compare what is expected
and what is read
Stop reading,
Tag type
Each of the fields
No tag
Not OK
Tag detected
Check that the writing
operation was successful
The tag is deficient.
It cannot be read.
The tag can be read
but not written.
Make sure it was not
previously locked.
Peel off current
tag for scraping. A
new one is
Retreiving data from ILS :
barcode reading or typing
code/title of the item
Peel off
current tag and
attach it to the
item (use
Tagging Tool)
Close communication
Init Communication with the reader
Open Com port
Set power (1,5 W)
Set Tag type
October 2007 Revision 2.1 23/27