User Manual

Medio L40 - User's Guide
July 2013 2.3 23/56
4.4 Using RS-232 Interface
RS-232 interface does not require specific drivers’ installation. Default RS-232 speed is 115200
bauds, and can be modified by software. Supported baud rates are 4800 bauds, 9600 bauds,
19200 bauds, 38400 bauds, 57600 bauds and 115200 bauds.
Please see section 6.2 RS232 Interface for more details.
4.5 Using 10/100 Ethernet Interface
10/100 Ethernet interface does not require specific drivers installation. Default TCP/IP
configuration is the following:
Table 5: Default TCP/IP configuration
Parameter Value
Active (The reader will try to automatically configure using DHCP. If it fails, the
reader will use the following fallback configuration)
Fallback IP Address
Fallback Netmask
Fallback Gateway
The MAC address of each reader is written on a sticker positioned at the bottom right corner of the
The green Ethernet Activity LED acts as well as the Ethernet Link LED.
Green LED constantly ON signals that the reader is connected to an Ethernet network. Green LED
starts blinking to signal activity on the Ethernet with the L40 reader.
Orange LED is only used to provide feedback on the reader being powered up or not.
Either straight or crossed Ethernet cable can be used, as the reader auto-detect the cable
Virtual COM port speed is always 115200 Bauds and cannot be changed.
Beware to plug your RS-232 interface on the correct RJ45 connector (i.e. RS232)
Beware to plug your Ethernet interface on the correct RJ45 connector (i.e. Ethernet)