User Manual

Medio S004 EVM
6.2 Running S004 Explorer
6.2.1 USB Communication
Before launching S004 Explorer, be sure which COM port number is assigned to the Tagsys EVM
Module. Open the Device Manager and select “View > Devices by type”.
The COM port number is assigned to the Tagsys
EVM Module.
Power up the Medio S004 EVM and connect the USB cable to both your PC and the Medio S004
EVM. Run Sx Explorer. If the following window is displayed click yes.
Open the Communication Settings window (CTRL+C) and check the type of the media, the COM
port number and the communication speed. The default communication speed for the Medio S004
EVM is 115200 Baud.
Click OK. Now S004 Explorer is ready to communicate with your Medio S004 EVM.
24/33 Revision 1.1 October 2006