User's Guide

Power Node Reader V2 User's Guide
20/33 Revision 3.2 07/03/2019
Figure 9 : Cluster with 4 Bow-Tie Antennas
Clusters come into 3 different widths per type of antennas (Dipole or Patch) including 2, 3 and 4 antennas.
Do make sure to order and fit the best width and type of antennas according to the furniture
material (wood or metal) and its dimensions!
Figure 10 : Cluster 4 antennas fitted with Circular Patch Antennas
Make sure to always use supplied antenna casings! The spacing’s and material have been carefully designed to insure optimum
radiation and avoid interferences with over apparatus.
Never Connect directly an antenna to a Power Node V2 Reader RF Port!
The V2 system can only work if connected to a cluster and its multiplexor board!