User's Guide

Encryption 131
Removing encryption keys from
the radio
It may be possible for you to delete encryption keys
from your radio.
Warning When emergency mode is activated, or
when your radio is immobilized (‘inhibited’), your
encryption keys may be automatically deleted from
your radio.
If you attempt to transmit with encryption turned
on but don’t have any keys loaded, the
message Key fail appears.
Deleting an encryption key
1 Press Menu and select Security > Zeroize key.
2 Scroll to the key you want and press Select.
The message Single key zeroized briefly appears
in the display.
Deleting all encryption keys
1 Press Menu and select Security > Zeroize all.
The message Zeroize all keys? appears in
the display.
2 Press OK and the message All keys zeroized
briefly appears in the display and no longer