User's Manual Part 6

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The T2000-A03 6m remote loom and T2000-A04 4m remote loom installation kits are for
use with T2020, T2040 and T2050 radios in situations where the 3m remote loom or
underdash mounting is unsuitable.
The T2000-A16 6m shielded remote loom is suitable for use with EMC model radios,
and for installations where electromagnetic radiation may cause problems with sensi-
tive equipment installed nearby or interference to the radio’s own antenna.
Once installed, the loom should not be subjected to any pinching, crushing or chafing,
nor should it interfere with the operation of the vehicle controls.
 These instructions must be read in conjunction with Section 3.1 “Servicing Pre-
cautions” and Section 3.2 “Disassembly Instructions”.
The following topics are covered in this Section:
Section Title Page
8.16.1 Components Required 8.13.2
8.16.2 Fitting To Locally Mounted Radios 8.13.2
8.16.3 Fitting To Remote Mounted Radios 8.13.6