User's Manual Part 2

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The 10 digit numbers (000-00000-00) in the parts lists are ‘internal part numbers’ (IPNs).
Your spare parts orders can be handled more efficiently if you quote the IPN and pro-
vide a brief description of the part.
The components listed in the parts lists are divided into two main types: those with a
circuit reference (e.g. C201, D106, R121, etc.) and those without (mechanical and miscel-
Those with a circuit reference are grouped in alphabetical order and then in numerical
order within each group. Each component entry comprises three or four columns, as
shown below.
The mechanical and miscellaneous section lists the variant and common parts in IPN
A variant component is one that has the same circuit reference but different value or
specification in different product types, models or options. Variant components are indi-
cated by a character prefix, such as ‘&’, ‘#’ or ‘=’.
circuit reference -
lists component
in numerical order
variant column -
indicates that
the component
is only fitted to
this particular
model, type or
Internal Part Number -
order the component
this number
description -
gives a brief description
of the component