User's Manual

TB8100 Installation and Operation Manual Installation 63
© Tait Electronics Ltd March 2004
You can also obtain the TBA0ST2 tool kit from your nearest Tait Dealer or
Customer Service Organisation. It contains the basic tools needed to install,
tune and service the TB8100 BSS.
5.7 Ventilation
Always ensure there is adequate ventilation around the TB8100 BSS. Do
not operate it in a sealed cabinet. You must keep the ambient temperature
within the specified range, and we strongly recommended that you ensure
that the cooling airflow is not restricted.
Important The cooling fans are mounted on the front panel and will
only operate when the panel is fitted correctly to the front
of the subrack. To ensure adequate airflow through the
BSS, do not operate it for more than a few minutes with the
front panel removed (e.g. for servicing purposes).
Ambient Air Temperature Sensor
The ambient air temperature reading
for the TB8100 BSS is provided by
the ambient air temperature sensor
b fitted to the PA control PCB.
The sensor PCB is inserted through
slots in the control PCB and heatsink
to be positioned between the heatsink
Important If the sensor PCB is to provide accurate ambient tempera-
ture readings, it must have forced airflow and must not
come into contact with the metal of the heatsink fins. Do
not stack PAs with the fins together. It is possible for
the fins on one heatsink to slide between the fins on the
other heatsink. This can damage the sensor PCB, and pos-
sibly result in the heatsink fins becoming locked together.