User's Manual

TB8100 Specifications Manual System Specifications 7
© Tait Electronics Ltd June 2004
1 System Specifications
This chapter provides specifications pertaining to the TB8100 base station
system. You will find the specifications for individual modules in separate
chapters in this manual.
The performance figures given in the power and current consumption
specifications are typical figures based on using the equipment listed in the
table below. The test frequency used was 475MHz.
AC measurements were made using a Voltech PM100 power analyser. High
power DC measurements were made using an HP 6032A DC power supply.
All measurements for power save modes were made using a Tektronix
TM502A current probe.
Note For AC power measurements the voltage, current drawn, volt.amp
product, and true power are given. True power is equal to the
volt.amp product multiplied by the power factor.
Module Description
reciter mid-band UHF (H2 band) reciter with isolated system interface
PA 5W, 50W or 100W PA, as stated in the appropriate specifications
PMU AC and DC PMU fitted with a 10W standby power supply card
and a 40W auxiliary power supply PCB
control panel standard control panel, unless stated otherwise