User's Manual

TB8100 Installation and Operation Manual Operating Controls 35
© Tait Electronics Limited March 2005
3.4 PMU
The only controls on the PMU are the on/off switches on the rear panel for
the AC and DC modules, and the indicator LEDs visible through a slot in
the front panel.
AC Module On/Off
This switch turns the AC input to the PMU on and off. Note that this
switch breaks only the phase circuit, not the neutral.
DC Module On/Off
This switch turns the DC output from the PMU on and off. It is recessed
to prevent the DC module being accidentally switched off, thus disabling
the battery back-up supply.
Note that this switch disables only the control circuitry - the DC input is
still connected to the power circuitry.
Warning!! These switches do not totally isolate the internal
circuitry of the PMU from the AC or DC power
supplies. You must disconnect the AC and DC
supplies from the PMU before dismantling or
carrying out any maintenance. Refer to the
service manual for the correct servicing
Figure 3.6 Operating controls on the PMU
AC module on/off switch
indicator LEDs
DC module on/off switch
rear view
front view