User's Manual

24 Transmitter Specifications TB7100 Specifications Manual
© Tait Electronics Limited May 2005
Identifying the
You can identify the model and hardware configuration of a transmitter
module by referring to the product code printed on labels on the top of the
module. The meaning of each character in the product code is explained in
the table below.
Note This explanation of transmitter product codes is not intended to
suggest that any combination of features is necessarily available in
any one transmitter. Consult your nearest Tait Dealer or Customer
Service Organisation for more information regarding the availabil-
ity of specific models and options.
Product Code Description
b-cdee a denotes digital architecture
1 = EP1C6/5402
2 = EP1C12/5409
3 = EP1C12/5509
XMADab-cdee b denotes power
3 = 25 W
5 = 40/50 W
ee cd denotes frequency band
A4 = 66 MHz to 88 MHz (Later release)
B1 = 136 MHz to 174 MHz
C0 = 174 MHz to 225 MHz (Later release)
D1 = 216 MHz to 266 MHz (Later release)
H5 = 400 MHz to 470 MHz
H6 = 450 MHz to 530 MHz
H7 = 450 MHz to 520 MHz
XMADab-cdee ee denotes radio options
02 = transmitter
03 = receiver