User's Manual

24 Using the CTU with a TB8100 TBA0STU/TBA0STP CTU Operation Manual
© Tait Electronics Limited September 2005
Note The complete lists of pin allocations for each system interface
board are provided in the Installation Guide, Installation and
Operation Manual, or Service Kit (Configure > Base Station >
System Interface).
External Channel Selection
Digital inputs can be used for external channel selection. The active state
of the digital inputs, when used for channel selection, is defined by the
setting in the Service Kit software (Configure > Base Station > System
Interface > Channel Selection > Invert). The default setting is non-
inverted: 0 = active, 1 = inactive. Refer to the Service Kit documentation
for details on how to configure external channel selection.
Bidirectional Inputs/Outputs
Bidirectional signals (e.g. digital in/out 3) can operate as either digital inputs
or digital outputs, based on how Task Manager is configured. Bidirectional
signals use the same Task Manager processes to set and read the status of
digital inputs and outputs. When a bidirectional pin has its output activated,
reading the input status of that pin will reflect the current status on that line.
Thus, it is possible to use a bidirectional pin for input-only or output-only
actions, if only that specific action is configured for that digital pin number
in Task Manager.
System Interface Board
Pin Isolated Isolated E&M
Tai tNe t/
Tai t Ne t R S- 2 32
1 14 digital in 1 digital in 1 digital in 1
2 15 digital in 2 digital in 2 –––
3 16 digital in/out 3 digital in/out 3 –––
4 17 digital in/out 4 digital in/out 4 –––
5 18 digital in/out 5 digital in/out 5 –––
6 19 digital in/out 6 digital in/out 6 –––
7 20 digital in 7 ––– –––
8 21 digital in 8 ––– –––
9 22 digital in 9 ––– –––
10 23 digital in 10 ––– –––
Figure 4.2 System interface bidirectional inputs/outputs
Task Manager
Bidirectional I/O Line
System Interface
Task Manager