User's Manual

This product has been designed for private or industrial use only. It
is not for use in situations where strict safety precautions are
necessary such as in connection with medical equipment, whether
directly or indirectly.
Harmful gases or chemicals may cause corrosion and/or other
danger to the unit. Also, by coming in contact with hazardous
substances, harm may occur to the people handling the unit.
Therefore, do not use in any environment that is exposed to
chemicals and harmful gases.
This unit is not water-resistant.
If the unit gets dirty, wipe it with a clean cloth and a mild detergent.
Please do not insert your fingers or any foreign objects into any of
the devices' jacks.
Make sure that the cable and AC adaptor are inserted fully, so as
not to cause an improper connection. Also, when unplugging the
cable from the main unit, do not pull the cord, but hold the
connector to disconnect.
Battery life depends on the easurement environment,
communication frequency, recording interval and battery quality.
Do not use any other batteries and AC adaptor than those that are
specified in this User's Manual.
It may cause a fire or other trouble including malfunction.
Do not put anything on top of the AC adaptor.
This may cause overheating.
Remove batteries from any unit that is not to be used for a long
period of time.
Batteries left in a unit not being used for a long time may leak and cause a
Battery terminals may provide insufficient contact due to age or
This may lead to data loss.
Condensation may occur if the unit is moved from one environment
to another where the difference in temperature is great.
Use the unit in an environment where the ambient temperature is from -10 to 60
and the humidity is 90%RH (no condensation) or less.