User's Manual

TUNet Single Phase Retrofit Guide
P/N 900-0006 Proprietary and Confidential
Figure 16: Board-to-Board Connector Installed
5. Snap the black Itron board-to-board connector in place. This piece connects the circuit board in the base of the
CENTRON meter to the TC-1216/TC-1116 circuit board.
6. With the IR serial interface adapter connected, the TC-1216/TC-1116 secured, and the board-to-board connector
installed, the grey Itron cover can be installed over the unit.
Figure 17: CENTRON meter with Tantalus Meter Module
7. Install the clear polycarbonate or glass cover. The retrofit process is complete and the meter can be programmed.
Note: To program the TC-1216 or TC-1116 module with an initial consumption reading other than zero, the DT-116
programming key must be inserted into the module as shown below.