
Table Of Contents
Function Options Explanation
Change Password More…
A password can be set for the unit.
p The password is a 4-digit number.
* The default password is “0000”.
Parental Control More…
Set the age to use for Parental Control.
A password must be input to change this.
* The default setting is “Off.
Country Code More…
Set the country to use for Parental Control.
A password must be input to change this.
Function Options Explanation
Internet Connection Enable/Disable Enable or disable Internet connection for the unit.
Interface Ethernet/Wireless
Set the method of Internet access for the unit to Ethernet or
Wireless”. 1
When “Yes is selected for Wireless, the following connection
methods can be selected.
p Scan: The unit will search for access points, allowing selection of
a network.
p Manual: An SSID can be set manually to connect.
p Auto:
Connection is possible using the Wi-Fi Protected Setup
(WPS) standard.
IPv6 On Enable/Disable
This sets whether or not IPv6 can be used with this unit.
The following connection methods can be selected.
p Enable: Use IPv6. When enabled, IP Protocol Priority”, IPv6
Information and “IPv6 Setting can be set and
p Disable: Do not use IPv6.
IP Protocol Priority IPv4/IPv6
Select the IP version to use first.
p IPv4: Use IPv4 first.
p IPv6: Use IPv6 first.
IPv4 Information More…
The following information related to the Internet connection using
IPv4 is shown.
p Interface, address type, IP address, subnet mask, gateway, DNS1
and DNS 2
IPv6 Information More…
The following information related to the Internet connection using
IPv6 is shown.
p Interface, Link-Local Address, IP address, Prefix, gateway, DNS1
and DNS 2
Connection Test More… This tests the network connection.
IPv4 Setting Auto/Manual
Select how the unit's IP address is set.
p Auto
Automatically acquire the IP address from a DHCP server.
p Manual
Manually input the interface, address type, IP address, subnet
mask, gateway, DNS1 and DNS2 numbers.
IPv6 Setting Auto/Manual
Select how the unit's IP address is set.
p Auto
Automatically acquire the IP address from a DHCP server.
p Manual
Manually input numbers for Interface, Link-Local Address, IP
address, Prefix, gateway, DNS1 and DNS 2