Owner's Manual

9 – Message Lists
Operation messages
Depending on the operation of the unit, the following messages will appear in the main display area.
Message Meaning Response
CANCELED An operation has been canceled.
-CLEAR- All programs have been cleared.
CLOSE The disc tray is closing.
DONE An operation has completed.
ERASING A folder is being erased. Do not remove the media.
FINISHED An operation has completed.
LOADING Media information is being read.
NO DISC There is no disc or the disc cannot be verified.
NO FILES The disc has no files that can be played back.
Load a disc or other media that contains playable
NO MEDIA There is no media.
NO NAME There is no artist data or no file data that can be displayed.
NO TITLE There is no title data that can be displayed.
OPEN The disc tray is open.
SETTING The AUTO SET operation is in progress. Do not remove the media.
TOC READ TOC information is being read.
WAIT A file is being processed. Do not remove the media.
Data is being written to the media.
Do not remove the media.
Warning messages
If an operation cannot be completed, one of the following messages will appear for about two seconds and then disappear.
Message Meaning Response
FULL There is not enough space. Delete unnecessary files or replace the media.*
NO MEDIA No media is loaded.
Confirm that the media is properly loaded. If this
does not work, try replacing the media.
NO PGM No program has been created. Add tracks to the program.
PGM FULL No more tracks can be added to the program.
A program can contain a maximum of 99 tracks. Clear
tracks from the program and try again.
PROTECT The SD card/USB flash drive is write-protected. Unlock the write-protection.
WRT ERR A file could not be created.
Format the media using a computer. If this does not
work, try replacing the media.
* After deleting a file on an SD card or USB flash drive using a Mac, empty the Trash before ejecting it.