Owner's Manual

TASCAM CD-6010 9
1 – Introduction
About discs
In addition to commercially-available music CDs, this unit
can play CD-R discs that have been recorded in audio CD
(CD-DA) format, as well as CD-R discs that have MP3 audio
and WAV audio files recorded on them.
Handling of compact discs
Always insert the compact discs in the slot with their
label facing upward.
To remove a disc from its case, press down on the
center of the disc holder, then lift the disc out, holding
it carefully by the edges.
Do not touch the signal side (the unlabeled side).
Fingerprints, oils and other substances can cause errors
during playback.
To clean the signal side of a disc, wipe gently with a soft
dry cloth from the center towards the outside edge.
Dirt on discs can lower the sound quality, so clean
them and always store them in a clean state.
Do not use any record spray, anti-static solutions,
benzene, paint thinner or other chemical agents to
clean CDs as they could damage the delicate playing
surface. It may cause CDs to become unplayable.
Do not apply labels or other materials to discs. Do
not use discs that have had tape, stickers or other
materials applied to their surface. Do not use discs that
have sticky residue from stickers, etc. Such discs could
become stuck in the unit or cause it to malfunction.
Never use a commercially available CD stabilizer. Using
stabilizers with this player will damage the mechanism
and cause it to malfunction.
Do not use cracked discs.
Only use circular compact discs. Avoid using non-
circular promotional discs, etc.
Music discs with copy control, a copy-protection
system, have been released form several record
companies in an attempt to protect the copyright.
Since some of these discs do not comply with the CD
specifications, they may not be playable on the unit.