User's Manual

TAPE mode
Tape counter
o The tape counter shows the approximate position of the tape. This
is not a time indication.
USB mode
During playback
Elapsed time of current file
Currently playing folder number
Currently playing file number
(starting with 001 in each folder)
Currently playing file name
(scrolls when long)
When playback is stopped
Total number of folders
Total number of files
Recording mode
(Example: Recording on a cassette tape from a USB flash drive)
Tape counterElapsed time of
current file (min./sec.)
Current file
Recording source Recording indicator
Changing the display (CD/USB mode)
During playback in CD mode or USB mode, each time the DISPLAY
button is pressed, the display changes as follows:
Audio CD
Remaining time of current track (min./sec.)
Total elapsed time of the disc (min./sec.)
Total remaining time of the disc (min./sec.)
Currently playing track number
and elapsed time of current track (min./sec.)
MP3 disc/USB
File name
Currently playing folder and file number,
elapsed time of current track (min./sec.),
and currently playing file name
o “No title”, “No album or “No artist” appears when there is no
appears when the unit cannot read the information.
o The display of this unit can only show single-byte letters and
numbers. If a file name uses Japanese, Chinese or other double-
byte characters, playback is possible but the name will not be
shown correctly. In such cases,
is displayed.