
8 – Remote operation : Selecting devices for transport control
106 TASCAM DM-4800 User’s Manual
name of a device that you wish to control, please
contact your local TASCAM Web site regarding the
availability of a software upgrade which contains the
control capability for your device.
Up to 16 devices may be added to the Machine Con-
trol List. If more devices are connected and added to
the list than can be shown on screen, arrow marks
appear at the top and bottom of the list.
When an entry in the Machine Control List is high-
lighted (that is, the cursor is on the left of the screen),
the wheel is used to scroll through the list, including
those items which may not be visible on the screen.
Deleting devices from the list
If a device is added in error to the Machine Control
List (or is no longer required), move the cursor to the
button, use the wheel to select the
device and press
ENTER. The item in the list will be
This process can be repeated to clear the list.
Auto-detection of devices
In addition to the manual addition of controlled
devices, there are two auto-detect buttons. One is
used is used for detecting all devices attached to the
DM-4800 (
) and the other is used for
transport mapping (see “Transport mapping memo-
ries” on page 107 below).
Move the cursor to the on-screen
button and press
ENTER to scan the control ports and
report on the detected devices, adding the controllers
to the Machine Control list (see “Transport mapping
memories” on page 107).
Because not every device that may be controlled by the
DM-4800 is capable of reporting its presence accurately,
some devices will not appear on the list, and must be
added to the list manually.
When attempting to identify a MIDI device, the DM-
4800 first sends out an MMC Read Signature com-
mand. It adds a generic “closed loop” device for
every device ID that responds to this command.
It also sends out a MIDI Device Inquiry Message. If
a remote device replies to this message, and an
appropriate controller is available, this controller
replaces the generic MMC closed-loop controller.
After power has been applied, it may take between
one and two minutes for the remote devices to be rec-
ognized. Even if they have been added to the memo-
rized Machine Control list previously, it may not be
possible to control them immediately the system is
powered up.
Selecting the control type for the devices
The Machine Control list is composed of a number
of columns. These are explained below:
STATE An icon shows the state of the controlled
device. A one-way arrow represents an open-loop
device (that is, commands are sent from the DM-
4800 to the device, but no information is transmitted
back from the device to the DM-4800 along the same
channel—information is transmitted from the other
device through a different channel, such as timecode
or MIDI).
A double-ended arrow represents a closed loop,
where information flows both ways between the
remote device and the DM-4800 along the same
A cross indicates that the device is not being con-
trolled by the DM-4800.
Two dashes (
) show that the type of control is not
relevant here (for instance, the internal MIDI
timecode generator).
DEVICE The name of the device being controlled,
together with its control type. These list items cannot
be changed or edited.
ID In the case of DTRS units, it refers to the unit ID,
and cannot be edited. In the case of MMC units, it
refers to the MMC ID (up to three decimal digits) of
the unit. This list item cannot be changed or edited.