
9 – Specifications : Messages and troubleshooting
TASCAM DM-4800 User’s Manual 125
CF card is not available
Press ENTER to continue.
An attempt has been made to read or write to a CF card that is not inserted, etc. Reinsert
the card or retry with another card.
Update setup?
Press ENTER to confirm,
or a cursor key to cancel
Shown when performing bulk setup of the channel delay time.
Ch parameters setup?
Press ENTER to confirm,
or a cursor key to cancel
Shown when performing bulk setup of the channel LFE level.
Ch parameters setup?
Press ENTER to confirm,
or a cursor key to cancel
Shown when performing bulk setup of the channel pan and balance parameters.
CH1 COMP/EXP Library redo completed.
The undo/redo operation is now complete.
CH1 COMP/EXP Library undo completed.
The undo/redo operation is now complete.
CH1 EQ Library redo completed.
The undo/redo operation is now complete.
CH1 EQ Library undo completed.
The undo/redo operation is now complete.
CH1 GATE Library redo completed.
The undo/redo operation is now complete.
CH1 GATE Library undo completed.
The undo/redo operation is now complete.
EQ Library undo completed.
Shown when undoing or redoing library operations.
COMP/EXP Library redo completed
Shown when undoing or redoing library operations.
COMP/EXP Library undo completed
Shown when undoing or redoing library operations.
EQ Library redo completed
Shown when undoing or redoing library operations.
GATE Library redo completed
Shown when undoing or redoing library operations.
GATE Library undo completed
Shown when undoing or redoing library operations.
Clear all fader grouping layers?
Press ENTER to confirm,
or a cursor key to cancel.
Shown when all grouping layers are to be cleared.
Clear Current Automation ALL data?
Press ENTER to confirm,
or a cursor key to cancel.
Confirmation when starting a new automation project – all current automation data will
be cleared.
Clear Current Automation Event Data?
Press ENTER to confirm,
or a cursor key to cancel.
When setting up automation, this message appears to confirm the clearing of all current
Clear this fader grouping?
Press ENTER to confirm,
or a cursor key to cancel.
Shown when the currently selected fader grouping is to be cleared.
Action Message Meaning
Table 9.1: Popup messages (continued)