
9 – Specifications : Messages and troubleshooting
134 TASCAM DM-4800 User’s Manual
Snapshot BANK a-bbb
Xtion Time : 9.9ms
Create data : DEC/15/2004
20: 35: 45
Project Name : PROJECT ORCA
Project FS : 44.1kHz
Press ENTER to continue.
Information on a snapshot.
Snapshot Preset 1-bbb
Press ENTER to continue.
Information on a preset snapshot.
Snapshot redo completed.
A snapshot redo operation is complete.
Snapshot undo completed.
A snapshot undo operation is complete.
BANK a-bbb Recalled.
Successful recall of snapshot data.
Bank a-bbb recalled.
A snapshot has been recalled.
Preset 1-bbb is Read-only!
An attempt has been made to overwrite or delete a preset snapshot.
Preset 1-bbb recalled
A snapshot preset has been recalled.
Source Invert Ch1-Ch8
Press ENTER to confirm,
or a cursor key to cancel.
Confirmation of bulk change of input from input to return (or vice versa).
STEREO to AUX1-2 is assigned
Press ENTER to continue.
Stereo buss is assigned to Aux 1-2.
Stored to EFFECT Library
BANK a-bbb
Stored an effect library entry.
Stored to Snapshot
Bank a-bbb
Stored a snapshot.
Stored to xxxx Library
BANK a-bbb from CHx.
Stored a library entry where xxxx is EQ, gate or compressor/expander from the selected
Storing project. Do not remove the CF card.
Shown while a project is being written to the CF card.
Target machine has same ID.
Cascade connection not established.
Press ENTER to continue.
In a cascade, there can be only one each of the master and slave.
Target machine is not supported.
Cascade connection not established.
Press ENTER to continue.
The target machine of the cascade pair is not suitable for the cascade (wrong type,
firmware revision, etc.).
TC Running!
Some automation operations cannot be carried out with timecode running.
Template project
is not selected.
Press ENTER to continue.
An attempt has been made to create a new project from an unselected template.
The audio device
is not operating normally.
All sound stopped
Please contact TASCAM service.
Press ENTER to continue.
A serious hardware error has occurred within the audio portion of the DM-4800.
Contact your TASCAM service agent or dealer for repair.
The automation data has been built
| #### 100-% |
Shown when the automation data has been successfully built, following the stopping of
the timecode.
Action Message Meaning
Table 9.1: Popup messages (continued)