
3 – Connections : Cascade configuration
TASCAM DM-4800 User’s Manual 53
Cascade configuration
The cascade facility allows the connection of two
DM-4800 units. This effectively gives you one dou-
ble-sized DM-4800 mixing console. The following
items are shared.
The Stereo buss, Busses 1–24, Aux busses 1–12,
and the solo buss can be shared.
The audio clock is provided by the master to the
•Timecode is provided by the master to the slave
over the cascade cable.
•Various settings and operations can be interlocked
between the two units. See below.
Master/slave setting You need to set one DM-
4800 to be the cascade master and the other to be the
cascade slave. Any set-up that affects the operation
of the system as a whole will be performed on the
cascade master.
An audio clock source is selected from the clocks
fed to the cascade master. You cannot select the audio
clock source on the cascade slave.
• Timecode fed to the cascade slave cannot be used as
the synchronization source.
• The cascade connection can be turned ON and OFF
only on the cascade master.
When the cascade connection is ON, the parameter
set-ups on the cascade master (parameters to be
interlocked) are reflected on the cascade slave.
In a cascade chain, one unit is designated as the mas-
ter unit, and the other as a slave. The master unit
must always act as the word sync master for the cas-
cade chain (though it can act as a word sync slave in
the overall audio system).
Making the cascade connection
There is one connection to be made between the two
units. This connection must be made between the
CASCADE connectors with the power off on both
units. It carries all appropriate audio signals as well
as the timecode sync signals and control signals.
To avoid possible damage to equipment, only use a TAS-
CAM cascade cable (PW-1000CS) designed and pro-
duced for this purpose when making this connection.
Setting up the cascade
When the connection between the two DM-4800s
has been made:
1 Turn on both units. Wait until the units are
fully booted, and then go to the
screens) on the unit which will be used
as the cascade master:
2 Set the unit up as the cascade master (
using the on-screen radio button.
3 Now enter the same screen on the other (slave)
unit, and set that one up as the cascade slave
4 On the master unit, turn the
(note that you cannot assign master
or slave settings while this is
ENTER to confirm the cascade
5 When a successful connection has been made,
the master display shows
Cascade connection estab-
. Press ENTER to dismiss this message.
An error message is displayed if the cascade
cannot be established or if it is made, and sub-
sequently becomes disconnected.
Figure 3.7: CASCADE screen