
4 – Routing & assignment : Channel-to-buss assignment
TASCAM DM-4800 User’s Manual 63
Channel-to-buss assignment
You may have noticed that the channel-to-buss
assignment functions are not available from the rout-
ing screens.
Because this is such a commonly-performed opera-
tion, it is most easily performed from the front panel,
using dedicated controls, though it is also possible to
use the display to view and set these assignments for
many modules simultaneously.
Assignment using the front panel
This method uses the dedicated assignment keys to
the left of the “fat channel”:
When a module (not a buss module) is selected, any
buss assignment made is shown by the appropriate
indicator(s) lighting.
Use these assignment keys to assign the module to
the busses (which in turn may be routed to multitrack
inputs, etc., using the routing screens described ear-
lier in “Output routing” on page 61).
It is also possible to assign a module to the stereo
buss using the dedicated
In addition, a
DIRECT key provides the capability of
producing a direct channel output which can then be
used for routing in the
screens. When this is
selected, any buss assignments are removed.
Using the assignment screens These screens
(access through key
1, ASSIGN) allow you to assign
channels to the busses, and the busses and the aux
Figure 4.4: Assignment keys