
TASCAM DM-4800 User’s Manual 71
5 – Channel modules
The channel modules are the “heart” of the DM-4800, corresponding to the channel strips on an analog con-
sole. Because they are used so often, and settings have to be made frequently, there are a number of ways of
viewing and making the settings for these modules, as explained in this section.
General principles
There are several ways of setting many of the chan-
nel parameters.
The first is by means of the
accessed with the
MODULE keys (see “Jumping to
commonly-used screens” on page 18).
There are four module screens:
allows the setting of the modules’ com-
pressor/expanders (channels 1 through 48, stereo,
aux and buss modules) and gates (channels 1 through
allows the setting of the 4-band parametric EQ
(channels 1 through 48).
allows the setting of the aux sends and the
buss assignments.
provides a way of viewing and setting overall
channel parameters.
Various parameters and options are globally avail-
able from all module screens (see “Global module
settings” on page 72).
The second way of viewing and changing the
parameters is by means of the dedicated screens
accessed through the screen mode selection keys
(see “Basic operational concepts” on page 17) and
the POD controls. These screens allow the viewing
and setting of the same parameter for many differ-
ent modules from the same screen.
The screens relating to the EQ, dynamics and aux
sends may all be displayed, and the parameters
changed using the “fat channel” controls (see “Fat
channel” on page 27).
In addition, the encoders may be used to control
one parameter (not all parameters may be con-
trolled in this way, but commonly-used ones) of all
the modules in the current fader layer or to control
many parameters of the currently selected module.
See “Encoders” on page 22 for details.
The encoder control methods can also be combined
automatically with the screen displays. See the options
“Encoder Mode Follows Current Screen” on page 44
and “Current Screen Follows Encoder Mode” on
page 44 which enable automatic links between the
screen and the encoder modes.
Many of the screens and parameters described here
apply only when the DM-4800 is in stereo mode. For dif-
ferences and additional features implemented when
surround mode is selected, see “Surround operations”
on page 88.
ASSIGN PARAMETERS screen Also note the
screens (available from the ASSIGN
key), which allows a number of different settings to
be applied to many channels simultaneously.
The screen above shows the first 48 channel mod-
ules. The screen below shows the last 16 channels
modules and the master modules:
Figure 5.1: Assign parameters screen (first 48
channel modules)
Figure 5.2: Assign parameters screen (channel
modules 49–64 + master modules)