Owner's Manual

Safety Information
This product uses batteries. Misuse of batteries could cause a leak, rupture
or other trouble. Always abide by the following precautions when using
Never recharge non-rechargeable batteries. The batteries could rupture or
leak, causing fire or injury.
When installing batteries, pay attention to the polarity indications (plus/
minus (¥/^) orientation), and install them correctly in the battery
compartment as indicated. Putting them in backward could make the
batteries rupture or leak, causing fire, injury or stains around them.
When you store or dispose batteries, isolate their terminals with insulation
tape or something like that to prevent them from contacting other
batteries or metallic objects.
When throwing used batteries away, follow the disposal instructions
indicated on the batteries and the local disposal laws.
Do not use batteries other than those specified. Do not mix and use new
and old batteries or different types of batteries together. The batteries
could rupture or leak, causing fire, injury or stains around them.
Do not carry or store batteries together with small metal objects. The
batteries could short, causing leak, rupture or other trouble.
Do not heat or disassemble batteries. Do not put them in fire or water.
Batteries could rupture or leak, causing fire, injury or stains around them.
If the battery fluid leaks, wipe away any fluid on the battery case before
inserting new batteries. If the battery fluid gets in an eye, it could cause loss
of eyesight. If fluid does enter an eye, wash it out thoroughly with clean
water without rubbing the eye and then consult a doctor immediately. If
the fluid gets on a person’s body or clothing, it could cause skin injuries or
burns. If this should happen, wash it off with clean water and then consult
a doctor immediately.
The unit power should be off when you install and replace batteries.
Remove the batteries if you do not plan to use the unit for a long time.
Batteries could rupture or leak, causing fire, injury or stains around them.
If the battery fluid leaks, wipe away any fluid on the battery compartment
before inserting new batteries.
Do not disassemble a battery. The acid inside the battery could harm skin
or clothing.
For China
机种 DR-60D 有毒有害物质或元素
2 PCB Assy 部份 ×
3 线材部份
4 附属品部份 ×
5 SEAL 部份
6 包装部份
表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含有量均在 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求以下。
× 表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求。
(针对现在代替技术困难的电子部品及合金中的铅 )