User's Manual

2 – Basic operational concepts :
TASCAM DM-3200 Owner’s Manual 17
On the top row of the top section, the left side shows
(on top) the current encoder mode (see “Encoders”
on page 20) and immediately below that, the cur-
rently-selected module or modules. To the right of
this, the current automation settings (on or off, or
global mode) are shown.
To the right of this, the name and number of the cur-
rent library entry selected with the direct library
functions are shown, and immediately below that, in
larger letters, the title of the current screen.
Finally, on the right, the current timecode value (with
the source as set up as preference) is displayed.
Note the timecode displayed can be changed as a
setup option. See “UPPER BAR DISPLAY” on
page 33.
Jumping to commonly-used screens
Within a project, it’s likely that you’ll find yourself
using some screens more than others. One of the
main such screens is the module screen, allowing you
to view and change a module’s parameters at a
For this reason, a dedicated MODULE
key, with indicator, is provided to the
right of the number keys. The module
parameters shown are those of the
module selected using the
SEL keys.
The three
USER keys are used to set
up three commonly-used shortcuts to
screens used frequently within a
Setting a USER screen With the
screen shown to which you want to
make a shortcut, press and hold the
SHIFT and CTRL keys (to the left of
the unit). While holding down these
keys, press one of the
USER keys.
Release all the keys. Next time you
press that
USER key (without the SHIFT and CTRL
keys), the display shows the screen you set
Figure 2.2: Explanation of the top line of screen displays
rary entry
Current timecode value
Encoder mode
Screen display
selected by direct recall
Automation status